
A Wonderful Creations Of Birds - Best Architects In The world Without Degree..!

Well. we all know that birds make nests. Today we will look at some of the most beautiful nest-building birds in the world

Well. we all know that birds make nests. Today we will look at some of the most beautiful nest-building birds in the world..!

1. Sociable weaver
(Philetairus socius)

Sociable weaver

   Sociable weavers are native to Southern Africa and make some of the most beautiful nests of any bird.

They make massive permanent nests on tall structures such as trees or telegraph poles that are big enough to host over a hundred pairs of birds.

The nests consist of numerous chambers and although the center rooms retain heat and are used for roosting at night, the outer rooms maintain a temperature of barely 7 degrees Celsius and are utilized for cover during the day when temperatures outside may reach as high as 33 degrees Celsius.

The nests, which are the biggest created by any bird and seem like huge haystacks between the trees, are formed from soft material such as twigs, dried grasses, and other plant material and sticks may be positioned at the openings to dissuade predators.

2. Montezuma oropendola
(Psarocolius montezuma)

Montezuma oropendola

    Montezuma oropendolas are tropical New World birds living from the New World that live in the Caribbean coastal lowlands.

They reproduce in groups and construct woven nests of fibers and vines high up on solitary trees. The hanging basket-like nests may be up to 180 cm long, and each colony normally has approximately 30 nests, although over 150 have been observed. They would often construct near wasp nests to dissuade possible predators.

Each colony has a dominant male who mates with most of the females, while the majority of the females, some of the inferior males may mate away from the main colony.

3. Eurasian penduline tit
(Remiz pendulinus)

Eurasian penduline tit

    The Eurasian penduline tit is the only species of its family found outside of Africa, and it is distributed across Europe, albeit it is an uncommon vagrant in the UK.

Eurasian penduline tits are among the most talented nest builders of all European birds, constructing constructions so robust that the Masai in Kenya used them as wallets and children's shoes.

The male bird starts building the pouch-shaped nest by connecting plant fibers and fluffy seeds to the ends of willow or birch trees, which the female will assist him in finishing.

4. Edible-nest swiftlet
(Aerodromes fuciphagus)

Edible-nest swiftlet

    The edible-nest swiftlet is a tiny bird found in Southeast Asia.
They build their nests out of saliva, which is used to produce bird's nest soup, which is one of the most costly animal products consumed by humans, with an average nest costing over £2000

Edible-nest swiftlets breed in colonies with shallow cup-shaped nests clinging to the rock of caves, cliff sides, or, on rare occasions, buildings.

The nest is white and transparent, made up of layers of hardened saliva that may take months to finish. The nests are high in calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium and are said to provide many health advantages.

5. Red ovenbird
(Furnarius rufus)

Red ovenbird

   The red ovenbird, also known as the rufous hornero, is Argentina's national bird and may be found across South America.

Nests of red ovenbirds resemble clay ovens and are built on trees or other tall structures such as fence posts or telephone poles.

The dome-shaped nests are made of mud, and although they may be formed in as little as 5 days, they normally take many months to finish.

Ovenbirds may occasionally reuse previous nests or construct new nests on top of old nests, resulting in several nests piled on top of each other.

6. Hamerkop
(Scopus umbrella)


   Hamerkops, sometimes known as hammerhead storks, umber birds, or anvil heads, are medium-sized wading birds ranging from Madagascar to Arabia.

They build magnificent nests that are over 1.5 meters wide and can hold a man's weight. Over 10,000 sticks are used to construct the nests, which are normally erected on the fork of a tree but may also be found on a cliff, wall, or dam.

Hamerkops line their nests with mud and adorn them with brightly colored things to insulate and protect them from water. Both sexes build the nest, and they may build up to four each year, whether they are breeding or not.

7. Gila woodpecker
(Melanerpes uropygialis)

Gila woodpecker

    Gila woodpeckers are found in the Sonoran Desert scrub areas of southwest America and western Mexico.

Gila woodpeckers create holes approximately 5 cm wide between the ribs of saguaro cacti or mesquite trees by pecking through the cactus skin. They will then burrow lower to make room for their nests.

The cactus reacts by secreting sap that solidifies over time to form a hard shell that not only keeps the cactus wet but also protects the nest. Native Americans of the Seri tribe utilized the shells as "boots" to store or transport water. It is unlawful in Arizona to collect footwear from the wild.

8. European bee-eater
(Merops apiaster)

European bee-eater

     European bee-eaters are found throughout southern Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. They have tried to breed at least five times in the UK, most recently in Cumbria in 2015.

They construct their nests by drilling a horizontal opening in the sand of a river embankment with their bill and then burrowing into the sand with their feet to make a tunnel up to a meter long.

A nesting chamber at the end of the tunnel is where the bee-eater deposits up to seven eggs. The tunnel is excavated by both the male and female, and European bee-eaters are one of the few European birds who have nest assistants. These helpers are often offspring of the breeding couple or brothers of the breeding male who failed to breed earlier in the year and assist with brood feeding.

9. Vogelkop bowerbird
(Amblyornis inornata)

Vogelkop bowerbird

    A common bowerbird of montane woodland on New Guinea's Bird's Head and Neck. Stocky with dull brown feathers. In contrast to other similar species, the male lacks a crest and looks like the female. 

The bower is a cone-shaped hut-like building that is around 100 cm high and 160 cm in diameter, with an entrance, generally supported by two column-like sticks. A few square meters of front "grass" are cleared of rubbish and moss is placed down. Decorations such as colorful flowers or fruit, gleaming beetle elytra, dead leaves, and other prominent things are gathered and tastefully set on this and in the bower's entrance.


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