
The Ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) - A Rusty-orange bird with a lipstick-red beak.

The Ruddy(Halcyon coromanda) kingfisher is a dark rusty-orange bird with a lipstick-red beak. The bright azure blaze on the rump is particularly noti

   The Ruddy(Halcyon coromanda) kingfisher is a dark rusty-orange bird with a lipstick-red beak. The bright azure blaze on the rump is particularly noticeable on flying birds. Shy and seldom seen out in the open, preferring deeply shaded rivers in dense, tangled woodlands. On the breeding grounds, it makes a loud descending rattle; throughout the winter, it is quiet.

The Ruddy kingfisher is a medium-sized tree kingfisher that may be found across east and southeast Asia. This 25-cm-long bird has a large, vivid red underside, which is complemented by similarly bright red legs. Their bodies are an orange-rust-red color that develops to a gorgeous purple towards the tail, which is largely hidden while the bird is in flight.

There is typical sexual dimorphism, which means it is difficult to tell the female from the male.

Though it is reported that the male's plumage is somewhat brighter.

The Ruddy Kingfisher is a migratory bird found in South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, China, and India. When migrating, they have been seen to fly as far as Borneo.

  From temperate to tropical locations, these birds prefer wooded environments near streams and rivers, frequently in dense jungles and rainforests. Because of its affinity for densely wooded locations, the kingfisher's loud, descending cry is more typically heard than seen, and these birds usually move alone or in couples.

   Ruddy, like other kingfishers, Kingfishers like to eat fish, crabs, and big insects, although, in locations with less running water, they have been seen eating rats, frogs, and other amphibians.

   From March through May, the mating season for the Ruddy Kingfisher species in India and Nepal. It is on the Malay Peninsula in May and late June in South Korea. Both birds build nests in tree holes, termite mounds, and sandbanks. Jointly, the male and female of this species are monogamous, and they both incubate the eggs. They will jointly care for and feed the chicks until they fully grow.

 The ruddy kingfisher's worldwide population estimate is unknown, although it is thought to be declining. It presently does not meet the criteria for vulnerability.


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